2023 SWIFT Summit Speakers & Panelists

Christopher Barkley

Christopher Barkley
Advisory Producer and Co-Founder | Bonsai Creative

Chris was born in beautiful Nashville, Tennessee, and fell in love with storytelling after seeing The Princess Bride (which he’s enjoyed over fifty times) as a child. Taking a unique path to storytelling, Chris began as a songwriter, penning over 200 songs. The need to emote through the power of the story drove Chris to co-found Bonsai Creative in 2015, a boutique company whose goal is to help independent filmmakers tell stories in a meaningful (and profitable) way.

Since then, Chris has worked as an Executive Producer, Advisory Producer, and Brand Strategist on several feature films, including Another Version of YouAdult Interference, and All Light Will End

Bonsai Creative’s films are distributed worldwide, including distribution on Netflix and Paramount+.

Bonsai Creative